Yesterday brought another round of visitors- which continue to do a world of good for Kayli. She gets tired, but she LOVES seeing everyone. The morning was somewhat quiet, the Rheumotologist came by and talked with us and got the whole history again. Seems he is going to try and figure out if there is something everyone else has missed. He is going to be running more tests. While speaking with him, the Transplant surgeon came by, but said he did not want to interrupt as it was important that the Rheumo. finish his discussion with us, and said he would come back. We did not see him again, and he will probably come by today which is better since I dont think Mark and I were there at the same time at any one point yesterday evening...and we do not wish to have the transplant surgeon speak to us without both of us there.
While I am speaking of doctors, Kayli's attending Dr Sanders and the GI specialist following Kayli came to talk to us. I was thankful to have both Mark's mom and our friend Celey present for the discussion. Thinks are looking a bit brighter it seems. They are stopping the blood transfusions now. Her blood cell counts have increased very slightly, but still not even close to where they should be. They would like to spend the next few days administering the Prednisone, to see how her numbers (both blood & liver) respond without the transfusions. If all goes well the next few days, she may be able to go home on Monday and be monitored and treated from home until such time as the team agrees her numbers are just not going where they need to go, she needs to go higher on the list. Also, if her blood counts do not increase as needed by Monday, they will most likely at that time do the bone marrow biopsy.
Hopefully today we will speak with the transplant surgeon and learn more.
Kayli herself had a wonderful day. She again had lots of visitors, and as I said, this seems to be the key to keeping her happy and willing to fight. Her "Auntie" Brandy came by for a visit, along with 2nd cousins Eddie & Lidia Martinez. And Ms Celey (Geometry teacher) came by again and brought another box of well wishes from her classmates. Brian, Sheila, Lexie & Sierra came by for a visit, and Brian's sister Laura who ironically works on the 5th floor of the hospital!!! Kayli's friend Faith & her mom came by. They where actually with Kayli & I last Friday when I gave Kayli the news she was going to be admitted to the hospital and recieve blood transfusions. Kayli;s former softball teammate Brittany Kellet came by, she was so happy to see Brittany!! Kerrie and Megan Karr, friends of our from CYT came by for a visit as well. I hope I haven't missed anyone....
OH YES- how could I almost forget this..... Mark went to pick up Emily from school, and he stopped by the high school and picked up 3 of Kayli' friends...Cristine, Rachel, & Carly. This was truly adventure as I am convinced those 3 are silly crazy!! LOL Kayli had alot of fun with them there. They definately kept her laughing!! Earlier in the day Kayli had taken a shower for the first time since she was admitted. I think it really helped her. So she was nice and clean for her visitors last night! :) When the girls were there, her nurse told her she could go for a walk as long as she wore a mask, didnt touch anything, and Mark was with her. So Mark escorted Kayli, Emily, Brittany, Cristine, Rachel, & Carly through the hospital. They went to the gift shop and up to the 10th floor park, and back. It was a good nice long walk and Kayli enjoyed herself and loved being able to get up and out of her room for the first time. She didn't look like a girl needing a liver trasnplant!!! I wish I had taken pictures but oh well.
If you read Kayli's status updates on Facebook you can tell that she is in high spirits now, and it makes me happy just to see her feeling positive! She is getting greetings and cards and balloons from everyone, and she just loves it!! Keep 'em coming because it is really helping her to know so many are thinking of her.
I forgot to mention that another team of doctors visited with us yesterday, this time it was a team of Pediatric Psychologists. They wanted to make sure she is doing well. I think she is doing remarkably well, each visitor that comes in she wants to give them the update, and bravely tells them what will happen if steroid therapy does not work.
Last night Uncle Daniel and Aunt Sunny stayed the night with Kayli to give Mark and I a break and some time with Emily. We haven't heard if there were any issues last night, so I am assuming not, but I guess we will get our update when we get there.
Will hopefully post again this evening. :) We love you all and may God Bless each and every one of you who has touched my daughter's heart and prayed for healing for her. Ok, going to see Kayli now....
OH almost forgot BLOOD DONATION. Kayli is O+. You can donate in her name by contacting the Gulf Coast Regional Blood center. There is one in The Woodlands:
3091 College Park Drive, Suite 130
The Woodlands, Texas 77384
(936) 321-8440
Here are more pictures to enjoy from yesterday...
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