Kayli has been feeling good. Had a doctor visit on Wednesday which was a very nice visit. They did labwork which we do not know the results of, but it was determined that after our visit this next Friday, if all looks good from the labwork, then we will see the docotr at the liver center every other week! :) Kayli will still need weekly labwork done however, but we asked if we could do it at Memorial Hermann in the Woodlands and they agreed. So the doctor is submitting standing orders to the lab here in the Woodlands, and Kayli will still have bloodwork done weekly...but the medical center visits being bi-weekly is SO helpful and wonderful.
On Wednesday we will meet at the high school with her teachers and the homebound school coordinator to organize Kayli's homeschooling for the remainder of this semester. She has missed a month of school so I am sure there will be much catching up to do over the next few weeks. Now it is just a matter of getting her motivated to do so. We visited with Mr Allen the band director earlier in the week and picked up her saxophone to bring home so she can practice playing. Mr Allen said it may be possible for Kayli to play in the Christmas concert with her band if she will practice the music on her own. I may take her up to the school once or twice a week so that she can practice with the band class. Today Mark took her to the baseball fields to play a fun little game with her band director and some band kids. She felt pretty good and even played in the game, took it easy and and had fun, and her team 'won'. Mark played also and then her got called to work so Kayli went with him on his calls.
Next week it will be a matter of establishing a routine for care, school, & activities...a much needed ROUTINE.
On another note, rehearsals for CYT's Seussical are in full swing. Emily is in the show, she is a Who and a Circus Vendor. Kayli will be working backstage. This show is a true musical and the costumes and music will prove to be amazing! Lots of dancing!!! Its gonna be GREAT!! Kayli is selling tickets and trying to earn her way to a Special Event party in a ticket sales contest. If you buy tickets directly from Kayli before December 17th you get a special price of $8 per ticket (less than a movie)!! Or you can order online, if you order online be sure to pick Kayli's name from the drop down student box!! Visit the link below for showtimes and more info!
Hello. And Bye.
You guys are a AMAZING family! I just wanted you guys to know that I'm praying for you! And I'm praying for Kayli! Hope you get better very soon!
Hope you guys have a awesome christmas!
P.S. This is Lincoln. (a.k.a monkey) :)
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