Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Things seem semi- quiet today as we await the results of the liver biopsy from yesterday. Hopefully anytime now. Kayli is in good spirits, and has asked to take a walk around the floor. A walk is not possible at this time however because they just started her on a 6-hour transfusion of whole blood and blood products. She is starting whole blood now, to be followed by plasma, and then platelets. She is also looking forward to having visitors soon and we expect some to come by this evening.

Dr Sanders came by and spoke to us just a short while ago. They are no longer as set on AutoImmune Hepatitis as they had been now that she is having the bone marrow problems. They may be doing a bone marrow biopsy soon but want to wait to see how she handles the whole blood and more transfusions as well as the biopsy results.

I keep reposting her location so that if you would like to come visit her you do not have to read all the way through the blog to find it. She is at Children's Memorial Hermann in room 982 in the Texas medical Center. I also discovered today that if you go to their website, there is a place where you can send a Patient e-Greeting!! It gets to delivered to her room, I thought that was cool, be sure to included her room #982. :)

Here is a picture for today...receiving her latest blood transfusion and being visited by a very large dog...LOL (Grandpa went a little overboard HA HA HA)

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