Kayli's doctor appointment last Friday was uneventful. It was more just for their information than ours. Emily and Granny both went with us to learn as well. We got her medication schedule straightened out, activitiy & diet limitations, and also discussed with the doctors the need to start screening Emily for any possible autoimmune disorders since they feel this may have been genetic. They did not draw any labs, but Kayli's next appointment is Wednesday before Thanksgiving and they will draw labs which is almost the hardest part for her. She has been feeling pretty good, though she tires easily. This weekend we had a family day at the movies! Granny & Emily went to see Planet 51, Mark, myself, Kayli & her friend Ryan went and saw New Moon which Kayli has been anxiously waiting months for. When we were walking into the theater the kids bumped into some school friends so we let them go sit together and Mark & I sat on the other side of the theater; this was hard for Mark to do. It was almost cute, I literally had to tear him away- his response being "what if something happens to her during the movie?"
She was fine, but obviously tired today. I think once she builds her endurance back up to make it through a full day without being exhausted, she will be fine.
This week, I am thankful for my family. I am thankful for my husband who doesn't hesitate to be worrysome for his little girls; I am thankful for my strong little obtuse Emily, who isn't letting her sister's illness affect her outlook on life; am thankful for my mother-in-law who is taking time out of her busy life to help us through this difficult time in any way we need; I am thankful for all of our prayer soldiers-friends-family-classmates-everyone who has wished us well in any way possible spiritually, financially, in the kitchern; I am thankful for Kayli's friends, especially Ryan, Cristine, Carly, Chris- they have all stood by Kayli and text messaged her, kept her informed of school happenings, visited her, cheered her up in the best ways possible by just being there for her.
(This is one of Kayli's friends, Renee.)i pray for you Kayli, and your family, everyday. i went to my pastor and informed her of everything thats happening and she took my hands and prayed with me for you. I prayed aloud this:
Dear God,
Please help Kayli battle her fight. Please let the best possible thing happen to Kayli.
it was short and sweet but there was a ton of heart behind it.
i really hope you get better soon Kayli. we miss you so very much.
-Renee Marie
I just wanted to thank everyone for everything they have done for me and my family! God bless y'all that y'all have the heart to help a family in need.
I'm thankful for my wonderful mother. Keeping everyone posted on what has been going on with me. Mama, I love you and I'm sorry I have put you through such a scary thing. You are amazing and I need to give you a break for a while:D I'm also thankful for my father. He was with me for a very long time and would not leave my side. As you can tell I'm a Daddy's girl and always need my daddy. Emily, my little sister is just amazing! Even though she didn't see what was happening at the hospital, she probably heard but nothing scared her when she did come to visit me.
Praise God even through the tough times for he can pull you out in a blink of the eye! God really showed me that he is a miracle through all of this. When I felt alone and hurt I could feel him by my side holding me telling everything would be okay. I am thankful most of all for my Lord Savior! He saved my life and is healing me properly. Thank you once again everyone.
Live Life! Love God! -Kayli Noel:P
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