Saturday, January 9, 2010

small bump in the road

We have had a little hiccup this morning. Kayli will not be going home today. One of the doctors came by a moment ago and told Kayli and I that her labwork this morning showed elevated LFT's, liver function enzymes. This is a small beginning sign of rejection. They have a feeling it is because of the lowered medications dosages over the past couple of days. Her platelet count is also low. So, today they will put her back on IV fluids, she will be receiving another blood transfusion (platelets), and they will be doing a liver biopsy later this afternoon to try and determine for sure what is going on, and hopefully they can catch it early enough before the rejection goes into full swing. She is understandably upset- but in hindsight I am relieved they did not send her home yesterday or they would not have known this was just to convince her of that.So, at the earliest she will be here til Monday. Please keep her in your prayers.

Friday morning, Kayli's friends Rachel and Elijah paid her a visit with I-hop french toast in hand! She loved it! Rachel's snapped a photo- even 5 days post liver transplant surgery she looks beautiful!!

1 comment:

Holly said...

praising god they caught that and praying for peace for you all and healing for kayli.