Thursday, February 11, 2010

No news is good news...

I hope you all feel the same way! I actually have nothing new medically to report at this time! Kayli had labs drawn Tuesday morning but we did not receive any calls from the liver coordinator since so I am assuming everything looks great! Kayli has had a busy week at school, and CYT. We are all trying to adjust back to a school schedule, including not having her ride the bus (infection buses are just ICKY!) and next week we will have the added bonus of afternoon tutorials for her classes (she has ALOT to catch up on). Saturday she and her sister will be auditioning for CYT's Cinderella, so we will let you know how that goes!! Keep your fingers and toes crossed!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Another milestone...

Tomorrow is February 3, 2010... Kayli's new liver "monthiversary". On January 3rd at 6am, her new liver was fully in place, and now tomorrow February 3rd...she will go back to school! ONE MONTH, can you believe it? I still cannot. I guess I can, but it still seems so surreal to me, ALL of it.

Kayli is still recovering super smoothly. No signs of rejection, her liver is working perfectly, and they have lowered her anti-rejection medication dosages. Today at her doctors appointment I looked at the chart of her numbers, liver function tests and all, you can just see the, astounding progress of the new liver right there in black and white. She feels great, blood cell counts are normal, liver function tests...everything. It was just a joy to see, so please excuse me if I ramble on. So tomorrow she will return to school. She is ecstatic. She and some friends celebrated with an afternoon get together at Red Robin's. Mom and Dad are little nervous, and have been fretting over the small details to make sure she is fully covered tomorrow. We shall see how it goes...

Kayli made a triumphant return to CYT last week. At the Winter Showcase she performed a comedic monologue for her Advanced Drama class. Kayli had originally signed up for Advanced Dance, but the first night of winter classes, November 12, was the night she woke-up in the middle of the night with a GI bleed, hospitalizing her for nearly a week (2nd hospitalization). When she returned to CYT, we transferred her into the drama class as it was less impact on her body since she was recovering from the TIPS procedure to her liver. She was given the monologue and a part in a 3-person skit. When recovering in the hospital after her transplant, Kayli went over her monologue, but felt it best to limit herself to the one act. Showcase was January 28th, and Kayli was determined to perform her monologue. She stepped onto the stage LESS THAN a month after her liver transplant, seemingly in perfect health...and received a standing ovation from all of her beloved fans before she even began. Though she was overwhelmed, Kayli performed her monologue with confidence, skipping a few lines that NOBODY noticed or even cared. We are just so happy to have her there, alive and happy and healthy!!! The video is here, and as one well wisher so properly calls out...she's a miracle!

Next weekend she and her sister will both be auditioning for CYT's production of "Cinderella". Kayli has picked a song that has a new meaning for her after having been sort of "quarantined" over the past 3 months, 'Part of Your World' from The Little Mermaid.... trust me, I WILL be crying...