Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Back to school....really??? :D

Kayli had her weekly appointment with her surgeon today. Her numbers are looking fabulous! All of her liver function tests and on the downtrend and in a wonderful way! She is feeling super great and has even been out and about normally. She is continuing to have labs drawn every tuesday and thursday. Dr Mieles has reduced his direct appointments with her to Tuesdays only, but she still has labs drawn on thursdays. More fabulous news today...

Dr Mieles said that at next Tuesdays appointment, he will write release orders for her to go back to school!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??? I am in complete shock. It is so amazing, most people spend months in the hospital following a liver transplant, and yet my child will probably be going back to school almost exactly a month after having a LIVER TRANSPLANT. It still seems SO surreal to me. I PRAISE GOD every moment for taking care of my beautiful daughter, how brave and strong she is. I used to complain about her stubborness...now I am thankful she is so strong-willed. I only pray now that God will continue to keep her strong and healthy, will keep or family strong enough to overcome our financial struggles that have resulted from this situation, and keep Kayli focused on not only her continued recovery but also her educational growth...(schoolwork, grades, etc LOL) as well as her continued growth in theater & performance arts!

Thank thank thank you all so so much for all of your love, support, prayers, words of encouragement, and all that everyone has done and CONTINUES to do. May you all be very Blessed. We love you all and know that we still need all your love and prayers! Will continue to post here Kayli's success stories! :)

Also- because it is a cause that is important to Kayli and to us, her school- Oak Ridge High School, will be holding another Replenishment Blood Drive in her honor. Please see the info at the link below:


1 comment:

Denise's Lupus Blog said...

Your daughter is amazing! All that she has gone through and she still has that big smile on her face. She is my Hero!