Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Elf yourself

Ok, I found this dang website last year just before Christmas. I sat on the computer for 4 hours one night "elfing" everyone I had a picture of in my computer. So this year a doctor I work with reminded me about it recently, I didnt have a chance to check it out again until today...and boy is everyone sorry I did. Come to find out, they have updated the site with improved graphics and dance choices...and you can upload FIVE elves at a time instead of just 4...and now it saves all your past dances you create and like up to 10 faces I think. Well, I have done a couple, but the one below I have to say is the best. This is Mark, his 3 brothers and his mother. It's great. If you get a chance to elf yourself do try it, there's a country dance option that's adorable!

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